
Informal Comparison of Belgium with our Neighbours

Using, we can have a little check with our usual neighbours and, to keep a long story short, Belgium has room for improvement.

  • Belgium: the first IPv6 web site is RTBf (the French TV broadcaster) which is position 20 in the Alexa top sites for Belgium. No press, no ISP have IPv6-enabled web sites.
  • Netherlands: their first IPv6 web site is (a news site ?) which is position 3 in the Alexa! And 2nd IPv6 site is De Telegraaf. So, press is quite active in NL but no big ISP (XS4ALL excepted the 2nd largest ADSL provider).
  • Luxembourg: their first IPv6 web site is (their Belgacom) which is position 6 in the Alexa! But, this is the only site… Press is absent but ISP is present.
  • Germany: their first IPv6 web site t-online (their biggest ISP from Deutsche Telekom) which is position 8 in the Alexa, followed by Heise (a ICT press) which is position 12 in the Alexa. So, press and ISP are active.

I am sure that on this distribution list, there are enough active people to get things moving one step at a time