
Belgian ISP and IPv6 [fr] Les ISP belges et IPv6

This table is a snapshot in September 2010 of the major Service Providers active in Belgium and their IPv6 status.

This is based on:

  • DNS information about their web server, mail relay and DNS servers
  • RIPE information about any assigned IPv6 prefix
  • BGP information about the announcement of the above IPv6 prefix
  • their public web site or press release
Service Provider Web server Email DNS server Assigned prefix Announced prefix
Belgacom [[<*>IPv6 not mentionned at all on their web site]] no no no 2001:b78::/32 2001:b78::/32
Belnet [[For many years, Belnet has offered IPv6 to Universities & public organizations]] no 2001:6a8::/32 2001:6a8::/32
EDPnet [[ IPv6 Announcement in October 2010]] no no no 2a02:578::/32 2a02:578::/32
Mobistar [[<*>]] no no no 2a01:cd20::/32 2a01:cd20::/32
Proximus [[<*>]] no no no no no
Scarlet [[<*>]] no no no no no
Skynet [[<*>]] no no no no no
Telenet [[<*>]] no no no 2a02:1800::/24 2a02:1800::/24
Verizon Business [[Contact Conny Vandewyer]] no no no ?? ??
Voo [[<*>]] no no no no no

Important note: this is based on public information, and, hopefully does not reflect the Belgian ISP roadmaps.

Feel free to contact to update the above table